The Schlumper School
The Louise Schroeder School and
“Die Schlumper”


The cooperative project called “The Louise Schroeder School and Die Schlumper” has been active since 1995. The project began with the idea to decorate the historic school (since converted for residential use) at No.101 on the Thedestrasse in the Altona neighborhood of Hamburg. The project developed out of daily work between the school children and Schlumper artists and was dedicated in 1997. 


The project’s central focus remains the artistic collaboration between Schlumper artists and students in the Louse Schroeder School, a Hamburg primary school which integrates handicapped students as well as students from many different cultures into everyday school activities. 


Four days a week, the children in the school come to the nearby Schlumper Studio at Thedestrasse 99 in regularly changing groups that alternate morning and afternoon work sessions. The students can work at their own pace and without pedagogical intervention, receiving support from Schlumper artists and their assistants, who are artists themselves.


The “Schlumper School” is included on the “Map of Inclusive Projects” established by the “Commission of the German Federal Government for the Interests of Handicapped People”.



Thedestraße 99, 22767 Hamburg

Telephone: +49 40 41307033